* Chapter 2 MAE 2.0 - Installing and Getting Started - Chapter 3 Chapter 4 *

3. Using the On-Line Documents

This chapter presents a brief summary of DocViewer's capabilities and commands, including the following:

A brief description of DocViewer

The docs directory in your home directory is an alias to the apple/docs directory, which contains the MAE on-line documents (the MAE User's Guide and the MAE System Administration Guide). For more information, see the Apple DocViewer Guide, which is also included with the MAE on-line documents. You use these documents with the DocViewer application, which is included with MAE. DocViewer allows you to do the following:

The rest of this chapter summarizes the use of the on-line documents. The DocViewer User's Guide is included with the MAE on-line documents.

Opening a document

To begin, you need to display the document as follows:

  1. Open the docs directory in your home directory by double-clicking its icon.

    When the docs folder opens, you will see an icon for each of the on-line documents. The icons whose names end in .idx are files used by DocViewer. You cannot open them.

  2. Double-click the document's icon.

    DocViewer opens the document on your screen.

    If you want to print the document, follow the directions in Chapter 4 of this book.

Searching through a document

The following paragraphs describe some of DocViewer's search features.

Navigating through the document

DocViewer provides several ways to navigate within and among documents:

Using the Table of Contents

To see the Table of Contents that DocViewer creates for the active document, choose Open Table of Contents in the Outlines menu.

Every line in a Table of Contents is a section in a document. A triangle appears to the left of any section that contains subsections. You can use the Table of Contents as follows:

To show the entire Table of Contents, choose Expand All from the Outlines menu. To hide it, choose Collapse All.

To change the document levels displayed when a Table of Contents is expanded, choose Table of Contents Level from the Outlines menu.

Using the Index

To see the index that DocViewer creates for the active document, choose Open Book Index from the Outlines menu.

The index opens in collapsed form, showing only index letters. To use the index:

Filtering the Book Index or the Table of Contents

At the bottom of a book index, Table of Contents, or collection window is a Filter box. To see only those entries that contain a certain word or phrase (a keyword):

Lines in the index, Table of Contents, or collections that don't contain that keyword disappear.

To restore the full list:

Finding a specific page

To find a specific page, click the page number at the bottom of the DocViewer window. The Go To dialog box appears, which allows you to enter a page number to go to.

Finding a specific word or phrase

When you choose Find from the Search menu, a dialog box appears. You can enter text characters and ask DocViewer to find the first occurrence of that text beyond the current selection or insertion point in the document.

When you choose Find Selection from the Search menu, DocViewer searches forward for any currently selected text.

If you hold down the Shift key while choosing Find Again or Find Selection, DocViewer searches backward.

To stop a lengthy Find operation, press Command-period.

Creating and using bookmarks

You can attach your own labels to places in the active document by using commands in the Bookmark menu:

  1. Select text or a figure caption in the active document.

  2. Choose Set from the Bookmark menu.

    Up to 63 characters of the selected text appear as the default label in the Set Bookmark dialog box.

  3. If you want a different label (up to 63 characters long), type it in the dialog box's text field.

  4. Click the Set button.

    Your bookmark appears in the Bookmarks pop-up menu that appears when you click Bookmarks in the upper-left corner of the document window. Choosing a line in the Bookmarks pop-up menu takes you to the page you marked and highlights the text you labeled.

To delete a bookmark, do the following:

  1. Choose Delete from the Bookmark menu (in the menu bar).

  2. In the dialog box that appears, click the name of the bookmark you want to delete, then click the Delete button.

To list all bookmarks alphabetically (including new ones), do the following:

* Chapter 2 MAE 2.0 - Installing and Getting Started - Chapter 3 Chapter 4 *